Chiara Guazzoni
Memberships & Activities
PhD course lessons
Curriculum vitæ
Born in Milano, Italy, on December
6, 1972
Classical High School Diploma
(Maturità Classica) in 1991 (60/60).
Laurea degree in Physics (March
1996) at Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy discussing a thesis
on "Confinamento di elettroni in rivelatori a semiconduttore: proposta
di un nuovo rivelatore a deriva controllata" - (Electrons confinement in
semiconductor detectors: proposal of a new controlled-drift detector)
Attended for the year 1996
to the Corso di Perfezionamento in Fisica Nucleare (Master Course in Nuclear
Physics) at Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy.
From 1996 up to 1999 she attended
the Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at Politecnico
di Milano.
In 1997 she obtained the grant
of the Fondazione Monsignor Giandomenico Pini for young researchers.
In 1999 she took part in the
competition for Assistant Professor in Electronics (K01X) and she obtained
the suitability for the roll.
Ph.D in Electronics (February
2000) at Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy discussing a dissertation
on "The Controlled-Drift Detector: a new X-ray imaging detector".
From December 1999 up to February 2001 she had a research
contract with Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Dipartimento di Elettronica
e Informazione.
From March 2001 she is Assistant Professor of Electronics at Facolta' di Ingergneria dell'Informazione, Politecnico di Milano.
Since 1994 she is collaborating
with the research group of Prof. Gatti in Politecnico di Milano for the
development of new semiconductor detectors for X-rays and for the design
of nuclear electronics. She carries out her experimental and theoretical
research activity in the laboratories of the Politecnico di Milano and
of the Universita' degli Studi di Milano. She collaborates with the Halbleiterlabor
of Max Planck Institut (Munich, Germany) where she has worked for short
periods. In more detail the main research fields on which she works are:
She is co-inventor in
an Italian patent extended to Europe and to the United States concerning
the invention of a new semiconductor detector for position resolved X-ray
spectroscopy called Controlled-Drift Detector.
The research activity of Dr. Chiara
Guazzoni is demonstrated by 50 papers on international journals, more than 35 proceedings
of international conferences and 1 patent.
Society memberships and Professional
Since 1995 she is Member
of the Italian Physics Society and since 1998 of the IEEE.
Other various informations
can be found here.
Phone: +39-02-2399.6147
Lab: +39-02-2399.6152 +39-02-2399.6312 Fax:
Last updated
on December, 2006
Chiara Guazzoni